
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Where Are You Visiting From?

I am trying to map out where the visitors of this blog are from.  If the blog is helping you in anyway; please take the time and leave the CITY and COUNTRY you are from.  If in the US, just leave the CITY and STATE you are in.  You do not have to leave your name and please don't leave your email address.  Just put the info in the COMMENTS section of this post.  Thank you to all that have visited the blog.  Many more posts are on their way.    Enjoy!


  1. Hi,

    I grow orchids in NYC. Will you do an article on angraecum leonis sometime?

  2. Maria, a new post is coming regarding Angraecums leonis in about a week. Look for it!

  3. I'm curious too. where are you writing from, tomk?

    1. Not so sunny Sourh Florida... Much more rain then sun shine!

    2. Sunnunghill in Sandton, South Africa

  4. P.S. I'd love to see a write up on Angcm. aloifolium, another one I've recently gotten attached to, but haven't been able to locate in the US yet.

    1. Tough one, I'll see what I can do! I think they are imports only!

  5. Would you consider a presentation for the Triangle Orchid Society? (Durham, NC) I passed your blog on to my group and recommended you as a speaker. Would love to see that happen. They are interested. Are you?

  6. Beth, I'd be very interested in speaking at your society. As you can see in the events section, I am doing several between now and Xmas. The last being two short courses in Lafayette, LA. It is a passion or as some would say, an addiction!

  7. That's awesome! What's the best way for me to get your contact info to Triangle Orchid Society? They've emailed me that they are looking forward to getting in touch with you as soon as possible.

  8. Beth, I can be reached via After email is exchanged, I'll give whomever all contact info. Hope we can work out something so that I can give my lecture at your society.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Miami, Florida

  11. Shirley - in Ladysmith, BC Canada
    Thanks for the info!

  12. from Spain
    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,

    great blog!
    still no Angraecum, but aim to get Ang. viguieri soon.

  13. I'm visiting from Vienna - Austria.

    I love your blog and i'm learning a lot here. Keep up the good work!

  14. I'm visiting from Vienna - Austria.

    I love your blog and i'm learning a lot here. Keep up the good work!

  15. I'm visiting from Vienna - Austria.

    I love your blog and i'm learning a lot here. Keep up the good work!


This is an open Blog. Don't hesitate to ask questions, add to the post or talk of your own experiences.