The images posted on this page are the official award images or secondary images taken of awarded plants created for the American Orchid Society (AOS). These award images are of the blooms and/or the plants the WPBJC has deemed worthy of an AOS award. Since November of 2013, I have been the official photographer for the Judging Center. Not all of the award orchids are here; but what images are posted are the blooms and/or plants that I took a special liking to. (The newest images are those at the top of the page; older images will be towards the bottom of the page.) Enjoy the images!
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Red Hawk' FCC/AOS 12/2015
Encyclia boothiana 'Tom's Image of Lucille' CCE/AOS 11/2015
Fredclarkeara Dark There After 'Mark's Black Rose' HCC/AOS 10/2015
Angraecum Longidale 'Benttree' AM/AOS 10/2015
Dendrobium phalaenopsis v. alba 'Jumbo' AM/AOS 10/2015
Vanda Somthawil 'Rio's' AM/AOS 10/2015
Vanvanda Crownfox Odyssey 'Angela's Green Giant' AM/AOS 10/2015
Lysudamuloa Red Jewel 'Springwater' AM/AOS 10/2015
Huntleya wallisii 'Red Hawk' HCC/AOS 10/2015
Catasetum Sylvia Soloff Beightol 'Mark's Yellow Birds' HCC/AOS 9/2105
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Mark's Chocolate Cherry' AM/AOS 9/2015
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Mark's Green Chocolate' AM/AOS 9/2015
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Grandpa Jim' HCC/AOS 9/2015
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Red Hawk' FCC/AOS 12/2015
Encyclia boothiana 'Tom's Image of Lucille' CCE/AOS 11/2015
Fredclarkeara Dark There After 'Mark's Black Rose' HCC/AOS 10/2015
Angraecum Longidale 'Benttree' AM/AOS 10/2015
Dendrobium phalaenopsis v. alba 'Jumbo' AM/AOS 10/2015
Vanda Somthawil 'Rio's' AM/AOS 10/2015
Vanvanda Crownfox Odyssey 'Angela's Green Giant' AM/AOS 10/2015
Lysudamuloa Red Jewel 'Springwater' AM/AOS 10/2015
Huntleya wallisii 'Red Hawk' HCC/AOS 10/2015
Catasetum Sylvia Soloff Beightol 'Mark's Yellow Birds' HCC/AOS 9/2105
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Mark's Chocolate Cherry' AM/AOS 9/2015
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Mark's Green Chocolate' AM/AOS 9/2015
Clowesetum Marshall Margolis 'Grandpa Jim' HCC/AOS 9/2015
Stanhopea Ronsard 'Walker Pearce Weatherford' AM/AOS 8/2015
Miltonia moreliana 'Francisco Miranda' FCC/AOS 8/2015
Vanda Suksamram Spots 'Connect the Dots' AM/AOS 8/2015
Clowesetum Sandy Kasner #7 'Mark's Purple Stripe' AM/AOS 7/2015
Clowesetum Sandy Kasner 'Mark's White Stripe' AM/AOS 7/2015
Catasetum Doris' Choice 'Mark's Choice' HCC/AOS 7/2015
Myrmecavola Aruba's Spotted Beauty 'Silver Stirrup Stars' AM/AOS 6/2015
Bromecanthe Jamaica Fire 'Crown Fox' AM/AOS 5/2015
Cattlianthe Omar Gonzale X (10th) 'Smartie' HCC/AOS 5/2015
Cattleya Memoria Frank McNally AM/AOS 4/2015
Vanda Adelaide Skoglund 'Bill's Delight' AM/AOS 4/2015
Brassavola tuberculata 'Norm Dodler' AM/AOS 4/2015
Maxillaria tenuifolia 'Popper' CCM/AOS 4/2015
Renantanda Hew Mun 'Korat's Best' FCC/AOS 4/2015
Paphiopedilum Krull's Lady 'Krull Smith' CCM/AOS 4/2015
Paraphalaenopsis labukensis 'Springwater' AM/AOS 4/2015
Aerangis luteo-alba var. rhodosticta 'Maria Luisa' HCC/AOS 4/2015
Paphiopedilum Hsinying Lady Duck 'Springwater' AM/AOS 4/2015
Paphiopedilum Anni Fuchs 'Springwater' HCC/AOS 4/2015
Paphiopedilum Poulsbo 'Krull Smith' HCC/AOS 4/2015
Paphiopedilum Max & Celias's Wedding Incharm 'Ken's Puddle Chid' CCM/AM/AOS 3/2015
Aeridovanda Tzeng-Wen Happy 'Kathy Chandler' AM/AOS 3/2015
Vanda Trevor Rathbone 'Passion' AM/AOS 3/2015
Dendrobium Spring Bird 'Karashiki' CCM/AOS 2/2015
Phalaenopsis Jiuhbao Fairy 'Diana' AM/AOS 2/2015
Phalaenopsis Dendi's Treasure 'Krull Smith' AM/AOS 2/2015
Sophrolaeliocattleya Jamie Hollingsworth 'Sunbulb' CCM/HCC/AOS 2/2015
Phalaenopsis schilleriana 'Krull Smith' AM/AOS 2/2015
Dendrobium Candy Stripe 'Odom's Delight' AM/AOS 2/2015
Rhynchostylis gigantea 'Raspberry Chips' FCC/AOS 1/2015
Rodrumnia Orchidon Dancer 'Pink Parfait' HCC/AOS 1/2015
PROVISIONAL (Blc. Susan Harry X Blc. Sylvia Hill) 'Memoria Brian Susskind' HCC/AOS 1/2015
Clowesetum Manny Tavarez 'Caroline's Thirteenth Birthday' HCC/AOS 11/2014
Clowesetum Manny Tavarez 'Nadia Tavarez' HCC/AOS 11/2014
PROVISIONAL (V. Doctor Anek X V. tessellata) 'Crownfox' AM/AOS 11/2014
Cycnodes Jumbo Jewel 'Inge Ruecker' HCC/AOS 11/2014
Catasetum Doris's Choice 'Mark's Green Gold' HCC/AOS 8/2014
Catasetum Nicolasa Tabarez 'Happy Birthday Nicolasa' AM/AOS 8/2014
Aeridovanda Memoria Lillian Arnold 'Joyce Yamron' AM/AOS 7/2014
Phalaenopsis Samera 'Anthony' AM/AOS 7/2014
Clowesetum JEM'S Speckled Russ 'Carolina Nicole Margolis' HCC/AOS 7/2014
Clowesetum Mark Margolis 'Mark's Purple Mustard' AM/AOS 7/2014
Rhynchostylis coelestis 'Crownfox Fuchsia' HCC/AOS 7/2014
Paravanda Joanne Lalli 'Crownfox' AM/AOS 7/2014
Rhynchostylis coelestis AQ/AOS 7/2014
Rhynchostylis coelestis 'Crownfox Sweetheart' AM/AOS 7/2014
Oncidesa Kaley Saludares 'Belle Glade' HCC/AOS 6/2014
Clowesetum Mark Margolis 'Caroline's Anna Frozen' AM/AOS 6/2014
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Evergreen 'Yaphon' HCC/AOS 6/2014
Oncidium Speckled Spire 'IBIS' AM/AOS 6/2014
Bulbophyllum Khoon Meng 'Crownfox' AM/AOS 6/2014
Clowesetum Sandy Kasner 'Mark's Lime Rickey' AM/AOS 6/2014
Clowesetum Sandy Kasner 'Sofia's Purple Passion' AM/AOS 6/2014
Aerides houlletiana 'Kathy Chandler' AM/AOS 5/2015
Laeliocattleya Lystra 'Fedora' AM/AOS 5/2014
Vanda Frances Lindner 'Nancy Ginocchio' HCC/AOS 5/2014
Renanopsis Lion's Splendor 'Justice' HCC/AOS 5/2014
Vanda Somthawil 'Crown Fox' AM/AOS 4/2014
Vanda denisoniana JC/AOS 4/2014
Phalaenopsis Sogo Lit-Sunny 'Charlette Roman' HCC/AOS 4/2014
Cattleya Nellie Cohen 'Irene Moreno' CCM/AOS 4/2014
Christieara Tom Coffey 'Lutu Coffey' FCC/AOS 4/2014
Renanthera citrina 'Crown Fox' AM/AOS 4/2014
Vanda Alberta Rubio 'Midnight Delight' AM/AOS 4/2014
Vanda Tim Brooks 'Spotted Leopard' AM/AOS 4/2014
Phalaenopsis mannii 'Crystelle' HCC/AOS 4/2014
Phragmipedium Mariza Rolando 'Krull Smith' FCC/AOS 4/2014
Paph. Hsinying Web Pie X Paph. Hsinying Sceptre (Provisional AM/AOS) 4/2014
Phragmipedium caricinum 'WS Antoinette' HCC/AOS 4/2014
Cattleya nobilior 'Springwater' AM/AOS 4/2014
Stelis santiagoensis 'Red Hawk' CCE/AOS & CBR 4/2014
Phalaenopsis Joy Spring Canary 'Yampon' HCC/AOS 3/2014
Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel 'Tom's Mustache' AM/AOS 3/2014
Rhynchumnia Orchid Sprang 'Cassie Delight Merlin' AM/AOS 2/2014
Trias Emily Clarkson 'Anna Guillotte' CCM/AOS 2/2014
Cattleya luddemanniana 'Benttree' AM/AOS 2/2014
Phragmipedium Suzanne Decker 'Susanna' AM/AOS 1/2014
Tolumnia Alexandria 'Crown Fox' AM/AOS 1/2014
Guaricattonia Anzac Jewel 'Orchis' HCC/AOS 12/2013
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Mark's Sunrise Surprise' AM/AOS 11/2013
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Nicola' HCC/AOS 11/2013
Vanda cuerlea 'Judy's Blue Delight' HCC/AOS 12/2013
Paphiopedilum In-Charm Topaz 'Judy's Beauty' AM/AOS 11/2013
These award images are of the blooms and/or the plants the WPBJC has deemed worthy of an AOS award.
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